Wednesday, September 29, 2010

TOPWD search is on

(Dumaguete City, September 29, 2010) -- The Great Physician Rehabilitation Center Foundation, Inc. (GPRehab) in partnership with the province of Negros Oriental   has now opened the 2nd search for the Ten Outstanding Persons with Disabilities (TOPWD) of Negros Oriental this year.

In a meeting of the Provincial Council on Disability Affairs (PCDA) recently GPRehab enjoined the local government units (LGUs) through the social welfare officers to nominate a maximum of three PWDs to represent their respective area.  The nominee must be at least 21years old at the time of nomination.

The search is in recognition of PWDs’ talents beyond their disabilities that created various impacts in their respective communities.

According to Advocacy Coordinator of GPRehab Rolando Villamero Jr. the PWDs will be chosen base on some factors on good moral values, community involvement, leadership skills and personal excellence.

Villamero said this annual search also seeks to affirm PWDs who have made a significant difference in the province as well as empower all PWDs to do their part in effecting positive change in the community, Villamero said.

Lea Sicat of GPRehab also explained the criteria that nominees must be able to show evidence of honors and awards received from institutions, organizations, and contests for their personal excellence; activities involvement such as participation in programs and projects where the nominee has occupied leadership positions; and, civic and community activities done voluntarily as well as awards given due to exemplary achievement.   (PIA/Jennifer Catan-Tilos)

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